Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Why Japanese animation(Anime) is much cooler

First of all, Japanese people call their animation "Anime"(アニメ), which has already become a word that only refers to Japanese animation in English speaking countries. 
Second, they remake many classics from other countries and give those characters new life! 
If you are familiar with the Chinese classic: Journey to the West (西游记) ,you can't miss the Japanese remake version: Saiyuki(最遊記シリーズ) Here are some comparison pictures.
Journey to the West
Sun Wukong (孫悟空)

Japanese Version
Son Gokuu
This is the four of them( In the original, one of then should be a monk, another should be a pig, but here they all look super cool! LOL )

They also recreated a new story about the Greek and Roman myths
Saint Seiya (聖闘士星矢 Seinto Seiya) This was my favorite anime when I was in elementary school!
They are the fighters of Athena (Athena is the one standing in the middle)

1 comment:

  1. Japanese Anime is so popular around the world! Even though I'm from Japan, I actually don't watch/read anime/manga that much, so I bet you know much more about Japanese anime!
